Nutrient broth | Composition | Preparation | Interpretation

Nutrient Broth is a medium widely used for the culture of undemanding microorganisms. It is recommended in many standardized methods of analysis of foods, dairy products, water and other products.

Nutrient Broth has the same formulation as Nutrient Agar, only agar has been omitted (which causes the medium to solidify at room temperature). It is made from a mixture of Tryptone and meat extract which helps in the growth of microorganisms. Sodium chloride is intended for maintaining osmotic pressure.

This medium can be enriched with other ingredients such as blood, serum, sugars, etc., for particular purposes.

Nutrient broth composition

How to prepare a nutritious broth ?

☰ Follow the manufacturer's recommendations :

  • Add 13g to 15g of nutritious broth powder in 1L of distilled water.
  • Mix and dissolve completely
  • Sterilize by autoclaving at 121 ° C for 15 minutes.

Culture in nutrient broth

☰ Bacterial growth in the nutrient broth is evidenced by obtaining turbidity resulting from microbial multiplication.

nutrient broth
nutrient broth
nutrient broth