◉ Principle of seeding
Quadrant seeding (general purpose) is useful for most samples. The relative number of organisms can be estimated based on the extent of growth beyond the area of origin of the inoculum.
☰ Steps
- Make sure that the content of the tube (broth or culture suspension) is mixed evenly.
- Place a loop of culture broth on the surface of an agar dish, near the edge but without touching it. With the loop flat against the agar surface, lightly scratch the inoculum (see photo: ❶); do not dig up the agar.
- Sterilize the loop and let it air cool.
- Turn the open agar dish in your left hand so that you can draw a series of four lines back and forth, each passing through the inoculum and extending to one side of the agar dish (❷).
- Sterilize the loop and let it air cool.
- Rotate the agar dish and draw another set of four lines, each crossing the end of the last four lines and extending to the adjacent side of the agar dish (❸)..
- Turn the plate over and repeat this parallel stripe once more.
- Finally, make a few streaks in the intact center of the plate. Do not touch the original inoculum (❹).
- Incubate the plate (inverted) at 35 ° C.