Membrane Solutions (MS) MicrodiscTM (Individual package) and MicrofilmTM (Continuous package) Sterile Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) Gridded Membrane Filter are composed of Cellulose Acetate (CA) and Cellulose Nitrate (CN).
Because MCE membrane is biologically inert, it’s one of the most widely used membranes in analytical and research applications.
MCE Membrane Filter is characterized by a smoother and more uniform surface than pure nitrocellulose filter. Also, the color contrast provided by the filter surface facilitates particle detection and minimizes eye fatigue. Also offer CN and CA Gridded membrane.
MicrodiscTM Membrane Filter, 0.45 µm pore size, gridded
MicrodiscTM individual package
MicrofilmTM continuous package
Part Number Matrix |
Filter Media | Diameter (mm) | Pore Size (μm) | Package Format | Membrane/Grid Color | Pre-Sterilized | ||
MF | MCE | 047 | 022 | G | W | S | |
CA (Cellulose Acetate) CN (nitrocellulose) MCE (Mixed Cellulose Ester) |
025=25 037=37 047=47 050=50 |
022=0.2 045=0.45 065=0.65 080=0.8 100=1.0 120=1.2 500=5.0 800=8.0 |
G=Individually packed C=Continuous packed |
(W=White membrane black grid B= Black membrane white grid G= White membrane green grid |
S=Yes N=No |
MFMCE047022GWS=MicrodiscTM MCE gridded membrane filter, 47mm, 0.22μm, white membrane with black grid, individual packing.
We can provide all types of filters from microfiltration membrane to Ultrapure Water systemes with very competitive qualities and prices.
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